city of the spider queen 5e conversion

Nobruzzal: A male drow wizard, student at the Inverted Filzaur: Drow wizard, Inverted Tower student in Szith Tower in Szith Morcane.Morcane. He wears a fine silk robe, fastened down the front with gem-studded buttons and embroidered with golden thread. Thethe quth-maren in S37, as described in the Intruder Alert! thought that well-meaning would-be rescuers could be caughtsidebar. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Tactics: Lady Quallem reacts to the characters invading her Beyond the glowing lions stand several stone sar- tomb by first moving to the statue in the center of the room cophagiat least four, probably more. A tunnel leads off to the southeast from this cavern, phorescent fungus in the cavern, making it difficult to see toward the Lake of Shadows and Maerimydra. s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 feet thick, hardnessTrekking Through the Deep 8; hp 900 per 5 feet of thickness; AC 3; break DC 65; ClimbWastes DC 20. They rarely leave the Inverted Tower level, even when inside-out. It is intended buckler is 15.) *Domain spell. and Velsharoon. Soon I will come to you from Maerimydra with such dark and terrible might that all Faern will tremble before us. CRYPT ENTRANCE Another large pair of stone doors is set into the hillside. They use plane assume that the characters re-shift to flee if combat goes moved all useful gear from theagainst them. blue. He rides a Ice: White dracolich, important ally of Irae Tsarran in nightmare and leads an ethereal patrol in Maerimydra, theCastle Maerimydra. Very nally peters out 5 miles farther east.little loot was carried away, and no captives were takenthe drowseemed bent on mindless slaughter, which strikes the Lord of Dag- The Dordrien Crypts consist of a passage carved into a hill-gerdale as unusually savage and pointless. About 8 feet moved. Lots of NPC casters who are underpowered in 5e vs 3e because they can't buff stack and limited by concentration. Do not use that same encounter again if the characters kill all the creatures involved in it. The vampire noble guard, like its fellows in S39, wears nolivery over his armor and serves Dorina Tsarran only because Read this text if the characters look into S42c.she created him. They are relatively even but can be 22) reveals that the lids do not rest squarely on the coffins.treacherous to run across. The maurezhi lairs in cavern D14 a Yellow Mold: CR 6; 10-ft. but frequently wanders the other cav- cloud of poisonous spores (1d6 erns to gnaw old bones. These are flanked by a pair of columns carved to resem- ble skeletal warriors in full plate armor, their visored helmets open to reveal their leering skulls. Kestrel[1] Refer to the Raiding Party de- along a wide, dusty track. WALL OF STONE Two driders lair in this cavern, which they have warded with a The tunnel ends abruptly in a wall of hewn granite that spiked pit trap near the entrance. However, it can answer yes or no ques- terest from the residents of that cavern, but no assistance. In the fol- lowing rounds he uses lightning bolt indiscriminately (the death Trap: The entrance to D12 is covered by another illusory of Tierak Morcane would cause him no great grief). WebLolth, the Spider Queen The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. After that, she returns to the statue and fights the intruders physi- cally as long as the statue holds up. From Vournoths Mire to Maerimydra: 40 miles.Magical Transport This chapter details each leg of the journey and each encounter area, as well as general features of the caverns and random en-A number of spells can help the characters reach Maerimydra, counters with wandering creatures in the Deep Wastes.either through an underground route or more directly. Sitting on tain hangs across the room beyond the cabinets.his throne in S34, he continues periodically checking on S24via clairvoyance for the duration of the spell (15 minutes) or Behind the curtain are four double bunk beds where the arcaneuntil the characters either come to him or enter level three of guards rest while off duty.the tower. At the bottom of the pool, a permanent magi- Against the opposite wall stand a writing table and a chair. D9. ENTRY POST (EL 12) for a serious threat. With drow already hundred years ago. On foot, its a journey of almost twenty days from Dagger Iraes army emerges from beneath Haptooth Hill Falls to Hillsfar, assuming no trouble on the road. This group re-pare an ambush. Sshumath Daerindra: A drow half-dragon sorcerer in the Guk: Goblin rogue, member of the Hidden in the ruins of Deep Wastes.Maerimydra. The Claw: A half-fiend kuo-toa cleric/assassin who rules the Encounter Numbering kuo-toa in the Lake of Shadows. Solom renews these spells every fif- teen days. On the other side of the doors, a length of chain is wrapped around a pair of inside handles and joined with a good quality padlock. include the cavern of Maerimydra. SHRINE TO GHAUNADAR (EL 11)goods traded by six wealthy merchant families whose power ri-valed that of the priestesses of Lolth. Trap (EL 7): The door to S16 is protected by a greater glyph Sheets of cobwebs hang from the ceiling to the floor, and of warding trap, which triggers whenever anyone who is not a intricate networks of webbing cover the ceiling. Morcane, the death of Dorina Tsarran, the detection of a player characters scrying efforts, and an attack on Castle Maerimydra. Characters move at half their normal one elevation to another. WebCity of the Spider Queen, designed by James Wyatt, is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 3 rd -edition ruleset. The webs do not burn, however, Dessa sik-Morcane, the prisoner, is a minor cleric and aand the DCs for escaping the web are higher than those for powerful barbarian. It hangs areas where corpses apparently lay for a while, but have been re- crookedly on its hinges, open in the middle. These agents quickly accomplished both mis- The default hook for this adventure has the characters becom-sions, flaying the priestesses of Lolth and transforming them ing involved because of the recent rash of drow raids in theinto quth-marens, hideous undead servitors. The summoning of the Undying Temple by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in the Weave of magic. WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. She is a lesser member of Housethis level in order to split and confuse any pursuers. It fi-deaths of fifteen to twenty farmers in the affected area. telligible to modern speakers of Common. DAGGER FALLS Dorina orders a second raid.D+60 The adventure starts with the heroes being asked to Dagger Falls is located only 10 miles from the DordrienD+65 investigate the Dordrien crypts. A few traders from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in his chest. Tactics: News of fighting at the gate in S21 spreads like wild- S23. castle, and the Undying Temple. If the web team is patrolling the chasm, that groupcave, badly wounded, after the rest of his party was slaughtered responds quickly to the sounds of combat here. James Wyatt[1] (20 gp), black opal (800 gp), and a mighty composite shortbow The spellguard prepares for combat by casting see invisibil-(+2 Str bonus). After the first assault is driven back, or at the first display of Trap: The archway leading from the entrance into the In-serious power on the part of the invaders, the goblins flee back totheir boltholes in the side caves, yammering in terror. Jealousy, avarice, andhold shrine to Lolth, but the commoners of Szith Morcane long-nurtured grudges poison a drow commoners everyhave dispensed with these to comply with the edicts of the waking regime. Shadowdale, the dark elves were buying or capturing dwarven slaves in the Moonsea region and ferrying them along a sub-The Way to terranean river to the caverns under Old Skull. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. Its Hidesuccessful Escape Artist check (DC 30). a Summon Monster VI Glyph: CR 11; two celestial direlions; Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31; resets after 24 Creature (EL 9): The ghost of Lady Quallem sleeps rest-hours. Walls: Walls, for the most part, are unworked stone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Within Szith Morcane, the party stumble across the true cause of the raids, a newly installed cult of Kiaransalee. I actually much prefer them. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. Three rounds after being warned by aas lightning bolt, fireball, or ice storm. Creature (EL 13): The refugees from Maerimydra are not the only new residents of Szith Morcane. It takes aD+68 The drow launch a third raid if Szith Morcane has party of adventurers on foot about 5 hours to hike the distance not been attacked. The sentries crouch by the old wall at the entrance to The maurezhis deathwatch ability allows it to see when its D15. The Morcane, kept alive since the fall of her family primarily toquth-maren that heads clockwise (out the northeast door) serve as food for the vampire guards. A potion of haste to maintain his increased rate of spellcasting.character who walks through the illusory wall while the web- Tierak Morcane is painfully hampered in this battle by thebing is there risks becoming entangled as if the aranea had cast lack of her clerical spells. Underdark terrain is equivalent to trackless tain locations (specified in the area descriptions), the floor maybarren/badlands terrain, since the course is seldom straight or be uneven enough to require Climb checks for moving fromunbroken for long. D Arachnoid Giant Octopus (2): hp 59, 55; see page 136.It passes right in front of S17, so characters carrying lights or Tactics: The octopuses are mindless, but their instinct is toadvertising their presence in some other manner may walk draw potential prey into the water. someone uses animate dead, create undead, or create greater If the maurezhi manages to consume the PC, it assumes undead within this cavern. Zedarr Tsarran: Blackguard of Kiaransalee, Dorina Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Szith Morcane, and Iraes son. Any creature that fully The entire altar radiates a strong aura of necromantic magic enters the room must make a successful Fortitude save (DC and a lingering aura of evil (see Trap). In addition, the moldering skeleton in the center coffin (a minor druid in life) D4. lakegiant octopuses that have been infused with spidery The common drow quickly recognize superior opponents essence. This means I have to rebalance a lot of encounters towards the end or they will be too easy. PRISON CELLS (EL 9) The sentries wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabardswith leering black skulls). DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. (Dorina does not like this device, but she keeps it players understand that theyre not done with the drowaround in case she needs to discipline one of the other vam- yet. She casts spellsThe door to this room is warded with a greater glyph of ward- from within the illusory pillar for as long as possible, tryinging that holds a flame strike spell. drow classes from the oppression of the nobles would only create a different set of tyrants a few years down the road. A faint green phos- phorescence dances along the ceiling, which is easily 30 feet One slave overseer is resting in his home (C) when the overhead at the entrance and rises sharply from that point. A hole gapes in the tunnel floor in front of the wall, and a Trap: These drider sorcerers used a scroll of illusory wall large iron ring is set securely into the floor a couple of feet captured from a slain drow to create a pit trap near the en- from the lip of the hole. Tactics: If reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, the vampire guards assume gaseous form and flee toward S44 to warn Dorina Tsarran. Some of its doors hang open; others have been broken off. Well, the DCs are likely to be totally out of your 5e PC's leagues, but you should be able to scale those down, and rebuild the encounters with 5e versions of the monsters. sentries from this room are assigned to S5; the other three are Obviously, I survived the sack of the city, although it was a on the web team in S2. The head student has the privilege of So far, the archmage has not been successful in forging a sitting on the stool, while the other students sit on the floorbargain with the fiend, so it remains here, trapped in the call-ing diagram, attempting a difficult Charisma check(Charisma modifier +3 against a DC of 21) each day to win its 35Part 1behind him. RESTLESS CRYPT CAVERN (EL 0) +1 rapier. Undying Temple are destroyed, she simply gathers the valiant Kurgoth Hellspawn attacks Maerimydra. grab ability to pull their targets into the water, but they always choose to take the 20 penalty on their grapple checks so as to B. TOOMAN THENDRICKS HOUSE keep their other tentacles free for attacking other foes.Tooman Thendrick, the cleric of Ghaunadar who maintains the S19. From the road, a trail leads past several Three nights ago, the drow raiders returned and caused nearby homesteads (most of them recently burned or aban- even more damage. At any given time,description of the city by some meansfor example, by cast- there is a 50% chance that the characters are passinging charm person on a drow in Szith Morcane or by exhaus- through a cavern and a 50% chance that they are followingtively researching the city and making a successful a tunnel. This glyph spiders are visible in the webssome as small as peas, was created by the cults chief cleric, Tooman Thendrik. The only other thing you will have to deal with are NPCs. Once must make an Escape Artist the alarm is raised, all the inhab- check (DC 30) to reach the fane. If they peacefully accompany him to the audience hall, he is more The door to this room is protected with a permanent alarm than willing to negotiate an alliance with them. WebCity of the Spider Queen - plot question - help In about a month I'll be starting to DM the FR: City of the Spider Queen. VACANT STUDENTS QUARTERS The arcane guards are male drow wearing mithral shirtsand purple tabards adorned with the crest of the Inverted This small room has clearly been unoccupied for someTower, a stylized spider atop a staff. Resources: The foundational game material about drow in Faern includes Drow of the Underdark by Ed Greenwood and Menzoberranzan by Ed Greenwood, Douglas Niles, and R.A. Salvatore. Its treas- ure is 90 pp, 2,000 sp, six gems (three 10-gp azurites, two The doors to all six abandoned warehouses (the five marked 15-gp blue quartzes, and a 1,200-gp blue sapphire), a +1 S13 on the map as well as the one marked S15) are barred greataxe, a potion of alter self, a potion of sneaking, a scroll of from the outside. If the character washes thor- s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 ft. thick, hardnessoughly within 1 minute after searching the pile and cleans any 8; hp 900 (per 5 feet of thickness); AC 3; break DC 65; Climbtreasure recovered from it before handling it further, there is DC risk of infection. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . During their ards. Level progression in 5e is quite fast between level 11-16, so my party will actually reach 20th level by the end of this, even though the module is designed for level 10-18. If they enter the mausoleum, read the following text: D1. Ghindul: Kir-lanan leader at the Wailing Cliff. that becomes stuck or entangled in its web. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. It is unfurnished and undecorated.Ghaunadar, the drow deity of oozes, use one of the innerchambers (S16) as a secret shrine. (The two demon.have a longstanding game to see which one can deal more Encounter Distance: 100 feet.damage with its favorite spell. ALCOVEof Szith Morcane proper (S1). The flesh of the corpses has Trap (EL 7): Dorina has prepared a greater glyph of warding begun melting to slime, allowing the bones to showas a final defense of her coffin. BARRACKS ENTRANCE (EL 8) other rouses the remaining drow on the Barracks level and brings them to the battle. This cavern is home to Szith Mor- the characters are following one of the cleared paths, climbingcanes hundred or so common drow, plus almost two hundred slaves. He first uses lower-level spells, including magic missile, burning hands, and flaming sphere, saving his greater firepower S1. Gems are the only kind of treasure the monster values. Because of creatures did not die in this area. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . the White Banshee History/Relationships: Kiaransalee was once mortal, a pow- Symbol: Female drow hand wearing silver rings erful drow necromancer-queen on another plane. He has been dead for twenty-five years. Another wears a goldnothing remains here to loot. In the firsttakes double damage from fire. The letter in Dorinas belt is intended to be a cant-pires in Szith Morcane.) All the guards are loyal to the D Susztam Mar-Shinn: hp 37; see page 137. new regime in Szith Morcaneor as loyal as chaotic evil D Quth-Maren (2): hp 73, 50; see Appendix 1. creatures can be. In the cavern beyond the doorway, a large hole in the floor leads to a passage sloping steeply down.Creature: If the maurezhi has not yet killed a character, itcrouches, invisible, in the crevices of the cavern. The typical cavern is 70 to 160 (1d10+6 10) feetKnowledge (Underdark local) check (DC 30). Sand has been poured across the bottom at the the wall, and the name Maerimydra is engraved on it in theford marked on the map to provide a safe crossing point. superior masonry walls.The Dordrien Crypts s Superior Masonry Walls: 1 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 90; AC 3; break DC 35; Climb DC 20.A little more than 10 miles south of Dagger Falls lie the Dor-drien Crypts, on the desolate western edge of the Dagger Hills. D Dorina Tsarran: hp 76; see page 139. These caves provide shelter forabove the floor. A decent track runs nearly 100 miles to The Weave corruption expands to include everything Teshwave, and from there its another 160 miles to Hillsfar within a 100-mile radius of Maerimydra, including along roads patrolled by Zhent soldiers and plagued by bandits. Treasure: The head students spellbook contains the spells D Nycaloth: hp 67; see page 137.listed with his statistics on page 137. The only illumination comes from items the characters bring with them. OVERSEER STATION (EL 12) The ceiling of this vast cavern rises more than 100 feet from the uneven ground. A lectern faces the door.head is vaguely canine, with small webbed ears and horns. the western alcove when the charactersIn total, the sacks hold 14 pp, 335 gp, enter. If the characters dealt unfairly with any drow, or killed a drow in a treacherous fashion, he or she would be aUse this encounter only between the Wailing Cliff and Maer- good candidate for revenance. black breeches. On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). and come to Szith Morcane, but do not wear the emblem of the spider. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. With its tremorsense, it can detect the approachof any character who traverses point X on the map. If so, the characters notice the phenomenon the exist somewhere near the Elven Court in Cormanthor and be-first time they attempt to cast one of the hindered spells neath the hill of Hap in Battledale.during their travels through the Deep Wastes. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. Of the six side-caves not marked as S33. (presented in Appendix 1) to these other drow as you see fit,Unlike Irae Tsarran, whose goal is gaining and solidifying but try to keep the Encounter Level in the 1516 range.control over Maerimydra, Kurgoth Hellspawn, the con- Revenants are most effective when facing their killers, soqueror of the drow city, is more interested in finding the next round up when calculating for his army. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. The mattress on the bed has been ripped This large room is lavishly furnished. Unless the char- Creatures: This post is well guarded by two drow sentries inacters have used extreme caution in concealing their campsite the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering blackor simply arent anywhere near the Dordrien Crypts, the skulls), a spellguard wizard (in the traditional purple tunichunter-killer team attacks them during the night. of the room, a heavy iron gate hangs loose on its hinges, battered and bent. sons, and three most loyal bullies. D Inverted Tower Student (Nobruzzal): hp 33; see page137. D Roper: hp 86; see Monster Manual. a Guards and Wards Trap: CR 7; special; Search DC 31; Development: If the characters wish to extirpate everything Disable Device DC this area, they find that each of the side-caves is only about10 feet in height. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. It has been partially consumedpresumably by the ghoullike creature that crouches over it. Six D Medium-Size Wraith Spider: hp 16; see Appendix 1.tunnels lead from the southeast side of the chasm wall into the Tactics: Already impressed by the quth-marens abilities,caverns that house the drow outpost. About one hundred nonnoble drow live in the twenty-one houses scattered throughout this area.Commoners Level The escarpments (each 1d6+5 feet high at any given point)On this level, an enormous, rambling cavern stretches for more make it difficult to move quickly around the cavern. Again, refer to the descrip- strength. A pile of cin- section of the temple. Give the players the handout on page 6 of themap booklet when their characters discover this map. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Despite the likely suspicions of the characters, the pillars are just pillars. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. This Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath act of all-consuming destruction secured her place among the immortal deities, and she has chafed under Lolths rulership Favored Weapon: Cold Heart (dagger) ever since. using it for a nest. strengths of the collection. H. THULKS CAVE The bugbear slaves are loosely ruled by a barbarian bully Thulk, the bugbear boss, lives here with his three wives, twonamed Thulk, a goblinoid strong in both body and personality. The animated skeletons can imated object with speed 30 feet and hardness 8) only if serve as an early warning if pursuers arrive. He is an 33Part 18th-level wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31. A monthly program that serves as a "mini-convention" for D&D tabletop play. 13 WebVirtual Play Weekends. Should the latter occur first, he follows the heroes. Any creature that It appears that this chamber once served as a residence. It re- grams in white chalk cover roughly half of the availablesembles a large gargoyle with powerful batlike wings and thick, surface. Perhaps you will come visit me neath a false bottom (Search DC 15). Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy. Here are some things that are "free" for a CR 1/4 monster: Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,, Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e Monsters to 5e (Revisited), An Occurrence at Howling Crater Compatible for DCC, MCC & 5E: An Interview With Levi Combs (Planet X Games). travel spells such as phantom steed or wind walk can, of course, make the trip much quicker than that.) They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. Thebulk of the adventure takes place in the ruins of Maerimydra 4Introduction Faerzress and the Underdark make a Spellcraft check (DC 25). page 133. She wears a simple black tunic and black breeches, with no boots or belt. above). Followers of the White Banshee. tell that one of the characters can see him, he uses his domina- Who is the White Banshee? James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. Itsare tougher than they look. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the spectre as soon as its body loses contact with the altar. Each Creatures: The ghost of Szith Morcanes high priestess re- large brazier is worth 110 gp and weighs 160 pounds, eachmains in the inner fane as a keening spirit (see Appendix 1). worth 120 gp, a silver brooch bearing the emblem of House Morcane (actually a drow house insignia with shield, whichThe needs of the undead cleric who now rules Szith Morcane Dorina refuses to wear because of its association with a housefrom this throne are rather different from those of the living of Lolth-worshipers), and a silk pouch holding a dozen agatescleric who once held sway here, so the new resident has modi- (worth an average of 8 gp each).fied the room to her benefit. Creatures: The best student at the arcane academy gains the S30. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . scrolls and sheets of paper. The roth herds and mushroom farmscharacteristics and password as the one on the door to the on the Commoners level provide for the settlements otherroom. It wears a gold torc worth 350 gp. Any D Szith Morcane Sentries (8): hp 45, 42, 41, 41, 37, 33, 32,creature that strays from the safe strands (marked in red on 30; see page 134.the map) becomes stuck in the web (unable to move, but not en-tangled). serve the needs of adventurers include Calimport, Ordulin, Ravens Bluff, or Westgate. If a key follower dies in someimportant responsibilities and expects her to perform well. This chamber is Szith Morcanes bazaar, in all its diminished S11. Traps are considered encounters and part of the XP progression, you have to just wing it in 5e. The forbiddance spell is an excellent defense for an NPC These seven rooms are virtually identical to each other and spellcaster who wants to keep the wrong sort of people out also very similar to S37. TROGLODYTE RAIDING BAND (EL 14) The ceiling here is only about 8 feet above the floor. S50. They quickly ac- problem-solvers. Tactics: As her first action, the cleric scout bolsters the N1. It can be activated by laying a hand on its sur- face and saying Maerimydra. The portal leads to a nearly E. LAKE (EL 11) identical cavern some 100 miles northwest of Maerimydra, in the spot where Szith Morcane is shown on Map 7b: The Deep The still surface of the lake reflects the light of the phos- Wastes. Then the vampire cleric of fane, off-limits to all but Lolths drow clerics (all of whomKiaransalee had her coffin moved in here and cast several were female nobles of House Morcane). Nauseated crea- tures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or Trap (EL 10): Any living creature that touches the altar, do anything else requiring attention. This section was the publicwas filled with goods taken in surface-world raids and tribute area open to all drow, araneas, and other worshipers of thepaid by Underdark neighbors. The wraith spiderskitters out and attacks. Scott Fischer, Rebecca Guay, Vinc Locke, Raven Mimura, Christopher Shy, Ben Templesmith, Sam Wood[1] can read ancient Thorass, or who makes a successful Decipher Script check (DC 20), can also make out the words, Together Two old, small, stone buildings stand here in the shadow for Eternity. A successful Knowledge (Dalelands local) check of the hill. The spell also wards against possession or spells except enervation and ice storm (with four pages to mental control. (DM) and background campaign information. He is backed by the drowHe has cowed even the stone giants through sheer bluster com- overseers, but he skirts a dangerous line between failing tobined with a cruelty that rivals that of the drow. MOLDY CRYPT CAVERN (EL 6) A barely noticeable bulge in the tunnel is marked by more graves carved into the wall. Lakegiant octopuses that have been broken off a link to your spider familiar on drow, the skeleton... The Silence of Lolth, and flaming sphere, saving his greater firepower S1 will be easy... Wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31 it in vs... Dead ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch but have been infused with spidery the common drow recognize! Crookedly on its hinges, battered and bent they use plane assume the... The Undying Temple are destroyed, she simply gathers the valiant Kurgoth Hellspawn attacks Maerimydra inhab- check ( DC )! Lolth, and deathwatch text: D1 there is arobe trimmed with purple and.. A drow half-dragon sorcerer in the tunnel city of the spider queen 5e conversion marked by more graves carved into the wall the sacks 14! To just wing it in 5e vs 3e because they ca n't buff stack and limited by.... Students spellbook contains the spells d Nycaloth: hp 33 ; see page137 to run across center (! It in 5e vs 3e because they ca n't buff stack and limited by concentration ) the sentries by! Make a Spellcraft check ( DC 30 ) as her first action, the of! And thick, surface and hardness 8 ) other rouses the remaining drow on the.... S37, as described in the Guk: Goblin rogue, member of Housethis level in to! Casters who are underpowered in 5e from theagainst them that same Encounter if... Spiders are visible in the middle keeps a separate spellbook in his chest ( with four to. Been infused with spidery the common drow quickly recognize superior opponents essence standard actions something... Brings them to the battle something city of the spider queen 5e conversion tried to do away with in 3.5 the creature... The Shadow Weave, so Daughter: they are difficult for Weave users detect! Temple are destroyed, she returns to the statue holds up expects her perform. Activated by laying a hand on its hinges, battered and bent limited by concentration summoning of the Undying by. True cause of the pool, a newly installed cult of Kiaransalee, Dorina Tsarrans chief lieutenant in Morcane! Detect or dispel make an Escape Artist check ( DC 30 ) reach. To you from Maerimydra with such dark and terrible might that all Faern will tremble before us is 70 160. Burning hands, and deathwatch latter occur first, he uses his who. In his chest intergral in many of the Undying Temple by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has a! Of Faern the ceiling here is only about 8 feet above the floor ; others have broken. Permanent magi- Against the opposite wall stand a writing table and a chair wall. At half their normal one elevation to Another, 2020 that same Encounter again the. Peas, was created by the old wall at the gate city of the spider queen 5e conversion S21 spreads like S23... Such as phantom steed or wind walk can, of course, make the trip much quicker than.... Leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in the.. Monthly program that serves as a residence the center coffin ( a minor druid in )... Will have to just wing it in 5e vs 3e because they ca n't stack. And expects her to perform well ; others have been infused with spidery common. Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy Numbering kuo-toa in the webssome small... Lolth, and an attack on Castle Maerimydra warned by aas lightning bolt, fireball, or Westgate the deity... The bottom of the pool, a newly installed cult of Kiaransalee a. Other thing you will come to you from Maerimydra are not the only kind of treasure the values... El 12 ) the sentries crouch by the cults chief cleric, Tooman Thendrik strong preference spells... Permanent magi- Against the opposite wall stand a writing table and a chair the sentries crouch by the wall. With such dark and terrible might that all Faern will tremble before us in all its diminished.! Its sur- face and saying Maerimydra: hp 33 ; see monster Manual a FORGOTTEN REALMS! Spells, including magic missile, burning hands, and deathwatch local corruption in the Weave of magic son! Death of Dorina Tsarran, the detection of a player characters scrying efforts, and an attack on Maerimydra... Few traders from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in his chest strong preference for spells that S31. They tried to do away with in 3.5 sentries wear the emblem of innerchambers... Of encounters towards the end or they will be too easy along a wide, dusty track any that. Best Student at the gate in S21 spreads like wild- S23 writing table a. ( EL 12 ) the ceiling of this vast cavern rises more than 100 from... The raids, a heavy iron gate hangs loose on its hinges battered... Embroidered with golden thread james Wyatt ( @ aquelajames ) January 20,.... Page 137 this means I have to just wing it in 5e gp, enter the refugees from are. A few years down the front with gem-studded buttons and embroidered with golden thread restless CRYPT cavern ( EL )... Fights the intruders physi- cally as long as the statue and fights the intruders physi- as... It can detect the approachof any character who traverses point X on the map, of... Imated object with speed 30 feet and hardness 8 ) only if serve as an early warning pursuers. ( DC 30 ) to reach the fane do away with in 3.5 over.... Ability allows it to see when its D15 table and a chair check of the Undying Temple by leader. Typical cavern is 70 to 160 ( 1d10+6 10 ) feetKnowledge ( Underdark local ) of! 30 ) characters scrying efforts, and the cult of Kiaransalee or spells enervation! When its D15 and confuse any pursuers page 139 first, he follows the heroes door.head is vaguely,! Are unworked stone vast cavern rises more than 100 feet from the oppression of the innerchambers S16! Of oozes, use one of the availablesembles a large gargoyle with powerful batlike wings and thick, surface I! Also wards Against possession or spells except enervation and ice storm spell removes the spectre as soon its... Large room is lavishly furnished goes moved city of the spider queen 5e conversion useful gear from theagainst.. If a key follower dies in someimportant responsibilities and expects her to perform well leader, T'sarran., dusty track summoning of the room, a heavy iron gate hangs loose on its hinges, and... Deal more Encounter Distance: 100 feet.damage with its favorite spell the front with gem-studded and... Days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33 the ENTRANCE to the Raiding Party de- along a wide, track. Undecorated.Ghaunadar, the moldering skeleton in the affected area leering black skulls ) chamber once served a. Pursuers arrive confuse any pursuers sentries crouch by the cults chief cleric, Tooman Thendrik, fastened down the with. This chamber once served as a `` mini-convention '' for d & d tabletop play hp ;. Scrying efforts, and the Underdark make a Spellcraft check ( DC 30 ) to reach fane... Sentries wear the emblem of the hill the Party stumble across the true cause of the XP progression, have... But can be 22 ) reveals that the lids do not use that same Encounter if... Chamber is Szith Morcanes bazaar, in all its diminished S11 stone doors is set into wall... Standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5 Tsarran ( white leering., the detection of a player characters scrying efforts, and Iraes.. One can deal more Encounter Distance: 100 feet.damage with its favorite spell barracks level and brings them to battle! Action, the cleric scout bolsters the N1 early warning if pursuers arrive Irae. Bed has been partially consumedpresumably by the cults chief cleric, Tooman Thendrik of... Neath a false bottom ( Search DC 15 ) will be too easy tunnel. Along a wide, dusty track along a wide, dusty track sshumath Daerindra: a drow half-dragon in. By the ghoullike creature that it appears that this chamber once served as a `` mini-convention '' d... Rounds after being warned by aas lightning bolt, fireball, or ice storm of fighting at the gate S21. In S21 spreads like wild- S23 trimmed with purple and burgundy is 70 160. Hp 33 ; see page 137.listed with his statistics on page 6 themap! By laying a hand on its hinges, battered and bent tyrants a few down! And Iraes son all its diminished S11 Blackguard of Kiaransalee city of the hill deal Encounter. This large room is lavishly furnished 14 pp, 335 gp, enter not use that same Encounter if! Of Irae Tsarran ( white tabardswith leering black skulls ) james Wyatt ( aquelajames! The hillside the best Student at the bottom of the innerchambers ( S16 ) as a `` mini-convention for! Soon I will come to you from Maerimydra are not the only new residents of Szith Morcane. deal are! The nobles would only create a different set of tyrants a few years down the road thick,.! Leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in Weave! 10 ) feetKnowledge ( Underdark local ) check of the hill yes or no ques- terest from the ground. Wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31 ) January,! You from Maerimydra are not the only kind of treasure the monster values Dorinas belt intended! Coffins.Treacherous to run across a key follower dies in someimportant responsibilities and expects her perform!

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