chola dynasty girl names

The template for these and future temples was formulated by AdityaI and Parantaka. [4] The Chola fleet represented the zenith of ancient Indian maritime capacity. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. [47][48] Thanjavur became the capital of the Imperial Chola Dynasty. It is quite a popular name for baby girls in Spanish. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. The metal industries and the jewellers art had reached a high degree of excellence. Moderate. But a few most outstanding may be briefly mentioned. They are very enthusiastic and nice to other people. [k], The Cholas' system of government was monarchical, as in the Sangam age. [181] The Chola school of art also spread to Southeast Asia and influenced the architecture and art of Southeast Asia. [241], There were stage productions based on the life of Rajaraja Chola during the 1950s and in 1973 Sivaji Ganesan acted in a screen adaptation of a play titled Rajaraja Cholan. [237] The serialisation lasted for nearly five years and every week its publication was awaited with great interest. [223] A Chola sovereign called Krimikanta Chola is said to have persecuted Ramanuja. [52] He also built the Brihadeeswarar Temple in 1010 CE. [47] The kingdoms along the east coast of India up to the river Ganges acknowledged Chola suzerainty. Enrol to StudyIQ's Flagship UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Batch 9. His administrative role consisted of issuing oral commands to responsible officers when representations were made to him. The default format of this map would be . "After the second Pandya War, Kulottunga undertook a campaign to check to the growth of Hoysala power in that quarter. [77], The Later Chola dynasty was led by capable rulers such as Kulothunga CholaI, his son Vikrama Chola, other successors like Rajaraja CholaII, Rajadhiraja CholaII, and Kulothunga CholaIII, who conquered Kalinga, Ilam, and Kataha. [32][33][34] They were displaced by the Pallava dynasty and the Pandyan dynasty in the 6th century. The Pandya who was under the protection of the Vijayanagara appealed to the emperor and the Raya accordingly directed his agent (Karyakartta) Nagama Nayaka who was stationed in the south to put down the Chola. About 16 miles long, it was provided with sluices and canals for irrigating the lands in the neighbouring areas. [210], The Telugu Choda period was in particular significant for the development of Telugu literature under the patronage of the rulers. [104] The Vellalar were also sent to northern Sri Lanka by the Chola rulers as settlers. La morra has a beautiful meaning which is 'a bitter ocean'. A Chola record gives their rationale for engagement in foreign trade: "Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses attach to yourself by providing them with villages and decent dwellings in the city, by affording them daily audience, presents and allowing them profits. However, this invasion gravely weakened the Srivijayan hegemony and enabled the formation of regional kingdoms. a little boy or girl would draw thirty names. Nicknames for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Name of Chola Rulers (Kings) Period of Rule. La Morenita is quite a common name used mostly by Spanish and American people to refer to a girl or woman who is dusky and has long black hair. [b] There are also brief references to the Chola country and its towns, ports and commerce in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (Periplus Maris Erythraei), and in the slightly later work of the geographer Ptolemy. Marana wrote Markandeya Purana in Telugu. He also pronounced that the great temples of Shiva and the Ranganatha temple were to be the Kuladhanam of the Chola emperors. The Hoysala's powerful neighbors were the Chola Dynasty and the Chalukya Dynasty and their kingdoms. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. According to Wikipedia: The Chola dynasty was a Tamil thalassocratic empire of southern India and one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the history of the world. This is quite a sweet name for girls. It's quite popular in America and is basically used to refer to a girl who is generally soft-spoken or has a soft voice. [150], There is little information on the size and the density of the population during the Chola reign[151] The stability in the core Chola region enabled the people to lead a productive and contented life. [24] Ptolemy knew of this, which he called Khaberis, and the other port town of Nagappattinam as the most important centres of Cholas. Difficult. La Chubbz is a cute way to call girls who are a bit on the chubbier side. April 7, 2023. [107], At local government level, every village was a self-governing unit. The elephants played a major role in the army and the dynasty had numerous war elephants. [36] As per inscriptions found in and around Thanjavur, the kingdom was ruled by Mutharaiyars / Muthurajas for three centuries. It discusses all five branches of grammar and, according to Berthold Spuler, is still relevant today and is one of the most distinguished normative grammars of literary Tamil. Other names in common use for the Cholas are Choda,[17] Killi (), Valavan (), Sembiyan () and Cenni. The Chola army was spread all over the country and was stationed in local garrisons or military camps known as Kodagams. [137] These were the Vellalar community who formed the nobility or the landed aristocracy of the country and who were economically a powerful group. During the period of Rajaraja III, the Hoysalas sided with the Cholas and defeated the Kadava chieftain Kopperunjinga and the Pandyas and established a presence in the Tamil country. These carried houses or huge Howdahs on their backs, full of soldiers who shot arrows at long range and who fought with spears at close quarters. A beautiful girl: Kotravai: Goddess of Victory: Kundhavai: A great woman who was the elder sister of Rajaraja chola, the great. Contribution (s) Vijayalaya Chola. [23], The Sangam literature also records legends about mythical Chola kings. [22] The internal chronology of this literature is still far from settled, and at present a connected account of the history of the period cannot be derived. [231][232][233], The Chola dynasty has inspired many Tamil authors. [121] Kallar served in the armies of the Chola kings. There was a well-developed and highly efficient system of water management from the village level upwards. The Chola dynasty went into decline at the beginning of the 13th century with the rise of the Pandyan dynasty, which ultimately caused their downfall. cholo, feminine form chola, a young person who participates in or identifies with Mexican American gang subculture. The development of the specific sculpturing technique used in the 'Chola bronzes', exquisite bronze sculptures of Hindu deities built in a lost wax process was pioneered in their time. [f] Numerous Pallava inscriptions of this period mention their having fought rulers of the Chola country. [55] Rajendra CholaI successfully invaded the Srivijaya kingdom in Southeast Asia which led to the decline of the empire there. However, after defeating Veera Ballala II, Kulottunga Chola III entered into a marital alliance with him through Ballala's marriage to a Chola princess, which improved the Kulottunga Chola III relationship with Hoysalas.[65][i]. Tamil was the medium of education for the masses; Religious monasteries (matha or gatika) were centres of learning and received government support. [158] The Cholas, being in possession of parts of both the west and the east coasts of peninsular India, were at the forefront of these ventures. They thoroughly exploited the lack of unity among the Tamil kingdoms and alternately supported one Tamil kingdom against the other thereby preventing both the Cholas and Pandyas from rising to their full potential. Leticia (Latin origin) means 'happiness'. When it comes to nicknames, cholas tend to go by . 2. [24] These myths speak of the Chola king Kantaman, a supposed contemporary of the sage Agastya, whose devotion brought the river Kaveri into existence. The Pandyas first steadily gained control of the Tamil country as well as territories in Sri Lanka, southern Chera country, Telugu country under Maravarman Sundara PandiyanII and his able successor Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan before inflicting several defeats on the joint forces of the Cholas under Rajaraja CholaIII, and the Hoysalas under Someshwara, his son Ramanatha[78] The Pandyans gradually became major players in the Tamil country from 1215 and intelligently consolidated their position in Madurai-Rameswaram-Ilam-southern Chera country and Kanyakumari belt, and had been steadily increasing their territories in the Kaveri belt between Dindigul-Tiruchy-Karur-Satyamangalam as well as in the Kaveri Delta i.e., Thanjavur-Mayuram-Chidambaram-Vriddhachalam-Kanchi, finally marching all the way up to ArcotTirumalai-Nellore-Visayawadai-Vengi-Kalingam belt by 1250. The Chola kings built temples and endowed them with great wealth. These were the Vellalar community who formed the nobility or the landed aristocracy of the country and who were economically a powerful group. [104], Before the reign of Rajaraja Chola I huge parts of the Chola territory were ruled by hereditary lords and local princes who were in a loose alliance with the Chola rulers. Because more or less, a large portion of the Chola names are derived from Mexican culture. [112], Justice was mostly a local matter in the Chola Empire; minor disputes were settled at the village level. So naturally, the Hoysalas found it convenient to have friendly relations with the Cholas from the time of Kulothunga CholaIII, who had defeated Hoysala Veera BallalaII, who had subsequent marital relations with the Chola monarch. It is quite a cute name as well. Cruz (Iberian origin) means the 'Christian cross'. Then those articles will never go to your enemies. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Chola dynasty was established in the third century BCE and ruled till the 13th century CE. [62] Three diplomatic missions were sent to China in 1016, 1033, and 1077. "Chola" redirects here. The items of expense set apart for their comforts are rice, a doctor, a surgeon, two maid servants for nursing the patients, and a general servant for the hospital. Along with Pandyas and Cheras, Chola history goes back to the period when written records were scarce. They established educational institutions and hospitals around the temple, enhanced the beneficial aspects of the role of the temple, and projected the royalty as a very powerful and genial presence. The Early Cholas were a Tamil kingdom of the Chola Dynasty - pre and post Sangam period (600 BCE-300 CE). Albert M. Carson, CA; 5 friends 42 reviews Lil T. says: However, there were reports of widespread famine caused by natural calamities. Chola Dynasty: Origin. Even crimes such as manslaughter or murder were punished with fines. However, these were only temporary setbacks, because immediately following the accession of king Vikrama Chola, the son and successor of Kulothunga CholaI, the Cholas lost no time in recovering the province of Vengi by defeating Chalukya Someshvara III and also recovering Gangavadi from the Hoysalas. [2] Under Rajaraja I and his successors Rajendra I, Rajadhiraja I, Rajendra II, Virarajendra, and Kulothunga Chola I, the dynasty became a military, economic and cultural powerhouse in South Asia and Southeast Asia. [214], Chola rulers took an active interest in the development of temple centres and used the temples to widen the sphere of their royal authority. Accordingly, Devi seems to have cursed her and due to t. Guadalupe (Spanish origin) has a beautiful meaning 'mother of god'. Plot. [113], The Chola dynasty had a robust military, of which the king was the supreme commander. [114] There were regiments of bowmen and swordsmen while the swordsmen were the most permanent and dependable troops. Report as inappropriate. It can be spelled as Kasper as well. During the period of 10101153 CE, the Chola territories stretched from the Maldives in the south to the banks of the Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh as the northern limit. [38] At its peak, the Chola Empire stretched from the northern parts of Sri Lanka in the south to the Godavari-Krishna river basin in the north, up to the Konkan coast in Bhatkal, the entire Malabar Coast (the Chea country) in addition to Lakshadweep, and Maldives. The history of the Cholas falls into four periods: the Early Cholas of the Sangam literature, the interregnum between the fall of the Sangam Cholas and the rise of the Imperial medieval Cholas under Vijayalaya (c.848), the dynasty of Vijayalaya, and finally the Later Chola dynasty of Kulothunga CholaI from the third quarter of the 11th century. [24] Kaveripattinam also served as an early Chola capital. This name actually can give others an idea about the person's appearance. [30] The Mahavamsa mentions that an ethnic Tamil adventurer, a Chola prince known as Ellalan, invaded the Rajarata kingdom of Sri Lanka and conquered it in 235 BCE with the help of a Mysore army.[24][31]. Candy (English origin) is used to refer to girls who are always nice and have sweet behavior. Niche- These are characteristic architectural designs of Chola temples carved in temple walls. [3] The power and the prestige the Cholas had among political powers in South, Southeast, and East Asia at its peak is evident through their expeditions to the Ganges, naval raids on cities of the Srivijaya empire based on the island of Sumatra, and their repeated embassies to China. However, this is more of a direction to the Shaivite community by its religious heads than any kind of dictat by a Chola emperor. The main sources of information about the early Cholas are ancient Tamil literature of the Sangam Period,[a] oral traditions, religious texts, temple and copperplate inscriptions. His Ramavataram (also referred to as Kambaramayanam) is an epic of Tamil literature, and although the author states that he followed Valmiki's Ramayana, it is generally accepted that his work is not a simple translation or adaptation of the Sanskrit epic. Smalls is usually used to tease short or tiny girls. The Cholas (8th-12th century AD) are remembered as one of the longest ruling dynasties in the southern regions of India. It is a cute and delightful name for girls. The refugees take along an idol sacred to the Pandyas, angering them. [195][196][197] The grammarian Buddhamitra wrote a text on Tamil grammar called Virasoliyam. [171] Examples of the Hindu cultural influence found today throughout Southeast Asia owe much to the legacy of the Cholas. [18] Killi perhaps comes from the Tamil kil () meaning dig or cleave and conveys the idea of a digger or a worker of the land. Lil fresa means 'ruler of peace'. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! It is quite a great name. One feudatory, the Kadava chieftain KopperunchingaI, even held Rajaraja CholaIII as hostage for sometime. Margarita (Greek origins) is a version of Margaret which means 'child of light'. [125] The narrative unfolds over a thousand years ago during the reign of the Chola Empire. It is almost like peanut butter and jelly, they are made for each other. The Ashokan inscriptions speak of the Cholas in plural, implying that, in his time, there were more than one Chola. [202], Kamban flourished during the reign of Kulothunga III. This is borne out by the fact that the second Chola king, AdityaI (871903 CE), built temples for Shiva and also for Vishnu. [51], Rajaraja CholaI and Rajendra CholaI were the greatest rulers of the Chola dynasty, extending it beyond the traditional limits of a Tamil kingdom. [99], In the age of the Cholas, the whole of South India was for the first time brought under a single government. Francisca (Spanish origin) is one of the most popular names for baby girls in Spanish. The text in these inscriptions was written by court poets and engraved by talented artisans. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. La tiny has quite the earthy name with a firm meaning of 'tiny rock'. Details of the Pandyan civil war and the role played by the Cholas and Sinhalas, are present in the Mahavamsa as well as the Pallavarayanpettai Inscriptions. [122], The Chola navy was the zenith of ancient India sea power. [46] Vijayalaya, possibly a feudatory of the Pallava dynasty, took an opportunity arising out of a conflict between the Pandya dynasty and Pallava dynasty in c.850, captured Thanjavur from Muttarayar, and established the imperial line of the medieval Chola Dynasty. The earliest datable references to it are in 3rd century BC Ashoka inscriptions. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. It is certain that when the power of the Cholas fell to its lowest ebb and that of the Pandyas and Pallavas rose to the north and south of them,[27][37] this dynasty was compelled to seek refuge and patronage under their more successful rivals. It is quite a beautiful name that is inspired by faith and spirituality. [159][160] The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire under the Sailendras, and the Abbasid Kalifat at Baghdad were the main trading partners. La babyface is quite a cool nickname for girls, mostly used in a satirical way to tease girls who have a baby face. Two fascinating details caught my eye: the first was the presence of women bodyguards and throne guards in the Chola empire. It is speculated that he either fell in battle or was put to death along with his heirs during his encounter with Vijayanagara. . [20] Cenni in Tamil means Head. This word often forms an integral part of early Chola names like Nedunkilli, Nalankilli and so on, but almost drops out of use in later times. The Chola dynasty was one of the three crowned kingdoms of Tamilakam - Chola, Chera, and Pandya - which continued to govern until the 13th century CE. [225][226] Ramanuja is said to have made Kulottunga II as a disciple of his nephew, Dasarathi. Chola names refer to a subculture of Chicano women. The Chola Dynasty reached its peak under Rajaraja Chola I (r. 985 - 1014 AD) and his son, Rajendra Chola (r. 1014 - 1044 AD). Sandilyan's earlier work, Yavana Rani, written in the early 1960s, is based on the life of Karikala Chola. [170], The Chola conquest of Kadaram (Kedah) and Srivijaya, and their continued commercial contacts with the Chinese Empire, enabled them to influence the local cultures. [25][26][27][28] There are no sure means of settling the order of succession, of fixing their relations with one another and with many other princelings of around the same period. [227][228] Historian Nilakanta Sastri identifies Krimikanta Chola with Adhirajendra Chola or Virarajendra Chola with whom the main line (Vijayalaya line) ended. [j] Roman ships found their way into these ports. Isabella (Hebrew origin) means 'devotion to god'. Chola Dynasty - Administration and Governance. These words It is a cute and adorable name. A commonly held view is that Chola is, like Chera and Pandya, the name of the ruling family or clan of immemorial antiquity. [clarification needed] A hospital named Virasolan was provided with fifteen beds for sick people. [78] Subsequently, the Cholas also lost control of the island of Lanka and were driven out by the revival of Sinhala power. Avira - The one who is brave and strong 6. [169] Monumental architecture in the form of majestic temples and sculpture in stone and bronze reached a finesse never before achieved in India. It is quite a popular name for babies in Mexico, more so for baby girls. [147] The farmers occupied one of the highest positions in society. Sembiyan is generally taken to mean a descendant of Shibi a legendary hero whose self-sacrifice in saving a dove from the pursuit of a falcon figures among the early Chola legends and forms the subject matter of the Sibi Jataka among the Jataka stories of Buddhism. [93][94], According to Tamil tradition, the Chola country comprised the region that includes the modern-day Tiruchirapalli District, Tiruvarur District, Nagapattinam District, Ariyalur District, Perambalur district, Pudukkottai district, Thanjavur District in Tamil Nadu and Karaikal District. It is actually a name that can be used for both sleepy males and females. Troubles is quite a self-explanatory name. [136], The farmers occupied one of the highest positions in society. It is quite a satirical name. That was the final dissolution of Chalukyan power though the Chalukyas existed only in name since 11351140. [133][134], Metal crafts reached its zenith during the 10th to 11th centuries because the Chola rulers like Chembian Maadevi extended their patronage to metal craftsmen. [135] Wootz steel was a major export item. [110] Punishment for minor crimes were in the form of fines or a direction for the offender to donate to some charitable endowment. They were also well known for their patronage to art. Around 1118, they lost control of Vengi to the Western Chalukya and Gangavadi (southern Mysore districts) to the Hoysala Empire. Valavan is most probably connected with "valam" () fertility and means owner or ruler of a fertile country. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Choladynasty - CHOLA DYNASTY. Pronunciation of chola dynasty with 1 audio pronunciations. Maintaining a strong army and naval resources made sense for the Cholas, because, The period from 9th to 10th century was a violent time, where kingdoms would go to war with each other frequently. The temple was built from 685-705AD by a Rajasimha ruler of the Pallava Dynasty. [187][188][189] Among the existing specimens in museums around the world and in the temples of South India may be seen many fine figures of Shiva in various forms, such as Vishnu and his consort Lakshmi, and the Shaivite saints. [143][141], Hospitals were maintained by the Chola kings, whose government gave lands for that purpose. [144], The Chola queen Kundavai also established a hospital at Tanjavur and gave land for the perpetual maintenance of it. [citation needed], Sandilyan, another popular Tamil novelist, wrote Kadal Pura in the 1960s. [156] Towards the end of the 9th century, southern India had developed extensive maritime and commercial activity. The legendary King Karikalan was the common ancestor through whom small Deccan and Andhra families called Chola or Coda claimed a . Apart from the doctors, other remunerated staff included a nurse, barber (who performed minor operations) and a waterman. [140] The vellan-vagai was the ordinary ryotwari village of modern times, having direct relations with the government and paying a land-tax liable to revision from time to time. Many diseases were cured by the doctors of the hospital, which was under the control of a chief physician who was paid annually 80 Kalams of paddy, 8 Kasus and a grant of land. La Loka is mostly used to refer to girls who are a bit crazy in a good way. [71] In 1025, Rajendra Chola launched naval raids on ports of Srivijaya and against the Burmese kingdom of Pegu. In one such instance, the Chola king, Rajadhiraja Chola II, was able to defeat the Sinhalese, aided by their traditional ally, a confederation of five Pandya princes, and kept the control of Rajarata under Cholar rule. The dynasty became a military, economic and cultural powerhouse in South Asia and South-East Asia. The earliest datable references to the Chola are from inscriptions dated to the 3rd century BCE during the reign of Ashoka of the Maurya Empire. La Greisy; La Chubby; Gata; Troubles; La babyface; Candy; Smiley; Bubbles; Chifla culas; La tamalona; Whisper; La morenita; Here; La tiny; How to Choose a Good Mexican Chola Nicknames. The second was the many people from foreign lands who had settled in . It was serialised in the Tamil weekly Kumudam. The second Chola King, AdityaI, caused the demise of the Pallava dynasty and defeated the Pandyan dynasty of Madurai in 885, occupied large parts of the Kannada country, and had marital ties with the Western Ganga dynasty. Trade was carried on by merchants organised in guilds. Mariana (Latin origin) means 'of Mars'. A girl with sapphire-colored eyes is mostly called by this name. Perez is quite a beautiful name that means 'to blossom'. 4 /5. [198] Commentaries were written on the great text Tolkppiyam which deals with grammar but which also mentions ethics of warfare. The Cholas built their temples in the traditional way . The later Cholas (10701279 CE) would still rule portions of Southern India. But the Cholas remained stable until 1215, were absorbed by the Pandyan empire and ceased to exist by 1279. Lil moco basically means someone with high spirits or basically 'one's desires within the heart'. Between 2 Oceans (2nd Edn): A Military History of Singapore from 1275 to 1971 by Malcolm H. Murfett, South India and Her Muhammadan Invaders by S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar p.40-41, A Global History of Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching, Mark M. Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash p.338, Technology and Society by Menon R.V.G. For example, the great temple complex at Prambanan in Indonesia exhibit a number of similarities with the South Indian architecture. La Chapiz is just one of the funny nicknames for calling your short friend without getting them mad. Skilled classes like the weavers and the merchant-class had become prosperous. It's quite a simple and beautiful name. It was one of the three main kingdoms of Tamilakam. It is a great and aesthetic name. The Cholas were the subject of the 2010 Tamil-language film Aayirathil Oruvan, and the 2022 film Ponniyin Selvan: I. But people also believe that this name was inspired by Valentine's Day. [126] The Chola economy was based on three tiersat the local level, agricultural settlements formed the foundation to commercial towns nagaram, which acted as redistribution centres for externally produced items bound for consumption in the local economy and as sources of products made by nagaram artisans for the international trade. From 900 to 1100, the navy had grown from a small backwater entity to that of a potent power projection and diplomatic symbol in all of Asia, but was gradually reduced in significance when the Cholas fought land battles subjugating the Chalukyas of the Andhra-Kannada area in South India.[124].

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